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    Viewer role

    July 18, 2023
    Feature image for Viewer role

    Organizations can add unlimited viewers to follow progress across projects and join conversations on posts. Viewers can comment on and react to posts but can't create new posts, projects, tags, or digests.

    All plans, including our free Starter plan, support unlimited viewers in your organization, making it easier to use Campsite as your team's source of truth for cross-functional decision-making and feedback.

    Beginning Tuesday, July 25, our pricing structure will change so that organizations on the Pro plan will be billed for all seats with the Admin or Member role. You can manage your team's roles by visiting the People tab of the organization settings page.

    Other improvements

    • Organization admins can now filter people by role in the people settings view.
    • The yellow banner indicating that a post is looking for feedback is hidden after you comment on that post.


    • Fixed a bug that caused Slack broadcasts to fail when a post had double line breaks.
    • Fixed a bug when pasting a post URL into the search input while creating basic digests.
    • Custom favorites are removed from the sidebar when the project/tag/post is deleted.
    • Fixed broken preview thumbnails for videos that appear in the onboarding posts.
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