You can now enable new post notifications — in-app, email, and push (via the Desktop app) — for individual projects in your organization. This makes it easier to keep up with and share feedback on the posts most relevant to your work.
To enable notifications for new posts in a project, look for the notification bell icon on a project card or in the header of the project page.
Other improvements
- Videos will now always open the file preview dialog when clicked, rather than having some videos play inline in the feed while others did not.
- Typing @ mentions is now much faster and has fewer loading states.
- UI and layout polish on the feed, post page, and file preview dialog to unify where comments, reactions, and the "seen by" counter are displayed.
- Scroll position is restored automatically on every feed page (including Latest, profiles, projects, and tags).
- Fixed a bug that caused earlier versions of a post to be hidden from the feed when newer versions were deleted.
- Fixed a bug where organization invitation links would take people to the "Create organization" page.
- Clicking on a push notification while the Desktop app is minimized will now re-open the app.
- Fixed a bug that caused Origami files not to download in their original format.
- Fixed a bug where the tooltip showing reaction names could be blank.