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  • Back to changelogFeature image for Grid layout

    Grid layout provides a more visual-first, high-density way to keep up with your team's work-in-progress. Quickly scan work by day, swipe through multi-file posts to gather context, and easily understand where conversations are happening.

    You can switch between the grid layout or the traditional feed layout at any time using the new view toggle in the top-right corner of the app.

    Other improvements

    • The daily digest email will only be sent if you have unseen posts from the previous day. This should reduce noise in your inbox and increase the signal of the digest emails. You can adjust your daily digest notification settings on the Account Settings page.
    • Improved the styling on digest emails for posts with multiple file attachments.
    • Digest emails now highlight newly-created projects from the past day for better visibility.
    • A post's project can now be changed from any version number. Changing a post's project will move all previous iterations to the same project.


    • Links back to a Figma file (when a post is created from the Figma plugin) now appear on the post page and file preview dialog.
    • Fixed many viewport height issues on mobile browsers, including home screen bookmarks.
    • Responsive UI fixes, text truncation fixes, and dark mode polish.
    • It's possible to create a comment with only file attachments and no text description.
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