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    Notifications inbox

    January 31, 2023
    Feature image for Notifications inbox

    The new notifications inbox makes it easy to keep track of incoming feedback and ongoing conversations with people on your team.

    If you're using the Campsite Desktop application, the dock icon will now show an unread count badge so that it's easy to know when new activity has happened in your conversations.

    To avoid notification overload, we added an option to disable email notifications in your account settings.

    Keyboard shortcuts

    The inbox supports many keyboard shortcuts to help with notification triage:

    • u to mark a notification as read or unread.
    • ⇧ shift + u to mark all notifications as read.
    • ⌫ delete to delete a notification.
    • ⇧ shift + ⌫ delete to delete all read notifications.
    • / or j/k to navigate through notifications.
    • Hold or alt and click a notification to toggle read or unread without navigating.
    • Hold ⇧ shift while navigating notifications to bulk-select.
    • Hold ⇧ shift while clicking two notifications to bulk-select a range of notifications.
    • esc to deselect the current notification.


    • Added a setting to disable email notifications for recent post activity, like comments and mentions, for people who prefer to use the new Inbox.
    • Added new "Jump to" options in the ⌘+K menu to quickly get to the feed, inbox, groups, tags, or people views.
    • Added a new popover menu when editing text in a post or comment to apply styles or add a link.
    • Project-specific Slack broadcasts will no longer trigger a global broadcast, reducing the noise of double-unread channels in Slack.
    • Poll results show the number of votes for each option after voting.
    • Block quotes are now supported while composing a post or comment. Use the new popover menu or the markdown "> " syntax to start typing a block quote.
    • Typing certain characters in the post or comment input will now automatically convert them into the stylistically-correct version of those characters. For example, typing 1/2 will print ½ instead.


    • The comments input is now positioned directly below a post in the post view instead of being pushed to the bottom of the page.
    • Fixed a bug where dialogs opened while viewing a post could not focus on nested text fields.
    • Added dark mode support to the email confirmation view.
    • Dragging a link no longer triggers the composer dialog.
    • Fixed unclear, low-contrast selection states on file preview gallery thumbnails.
    • Navigating across the app, peeking into posts, and leaving comments is much faster.
    • Long file names no longer break the bounds of the composer file preview row.
    • Polished the UI in dark mode and on responsive views across the app.
    • Fixed a bug that broke the file preview dialog when opening a video file's comments.
    • Interacting with the Grammarly browser extension while typing a post or comment will no longer register as an outside click, which was incorrectly closing dialogs.
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